Charitable and Non-Profit Organisations – Membership


This membership is aimed at small to medium sized charities or non-profit organisations involved in related Civil Defence, such as community resilience, civil protection, SAR, etc



Our membership initiative is tailored to cater specifically to small to medium-sized charities or non-profit organisations actively engaged in various aspects of Civil Defence, including but not limited to community resilience, civil protection, and search and rescue (SAR). If your organisation falls within this category, we warmly invite you to become a part of our community.

As a member, your organisation will gain access to a host of benefits designed to support and enhance your noble endeavors. This includes networking opportunities, resource-sharing platforms, and collaborative initiatives with like-minded organisations. Our aim is to foster a strong and interconnected community dedicated to advancing the collective goals of Civil Defence.

To apply for this specialized membership, please submit relevant details along with proof of your charitable or non-profit status to [email protected]. Ensure you add your order ID to the subject line. Upon verification, we will provide you with additional information on how your organization can actively participate in and benefit from our shared commitment to Civil Defence causes. Join us as we work together to make a positive impact on the world through our collective efforts in community resilience, civil protection, SAR, and more.


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