Why not come join us?
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Membership of the Civil Defence Association is open to:
- All former members of the Civil Defence Corps and Auxiliary Fire Service and their relatives.
- Members of British Civil Defence, Civil Aid, Search and Rescue groups, Voluntary First Aid Societies and similar organisations having a ‘Civil Defence’ role.
- Persons, young and not so young, who are interested in, or involved with Civil Defence by whatever title it is known.
Subscription Rates
Associate Membership (General) – £18 per annum
Student Membership – £10 per annum
Kirkman (Historical/re-enactors) Membership – £12 per annum
Alderson Membership (Serving Members) – £12 per annum
Civil Defence Veteran – Free Liftime Membership
Charitable and Non-Profit Organisations – £25 per annum
Corporate Memberships – POA
Membership Services
Members receive a copy of the ‘CDA Journal‘ the official quarterly publication of the Civil Defence Association.
Membership Applications
Please select membership level below. This will take you through the registration process including paying for your membership.